• Your social worker makes sure you are looked after well and that you get all the help you need. Social workers must decide with others what’s best for you. They must always listen to you and take your views seriously.
  • Your independent reviewing officer (IRO) must make sure your feelings and views are known and taken into account. IROs must take action if they think a council is not doing what is best for a child or young person, or if they think your human rights have been broken. They are required by law to inform you about your right to an advocate.
  • Your advocate is there to make sure you are properly listened to. Advocates are separate from the council, your social worker and your IRO. Their job is to help you put across what YOU think and feel is best for you. Advocates know about the law and can help you protect your rights, including by making a complaint. Advocates can also put you in touch with a lawyer to help solve a problem.

If you click on the box below, you’ll get the contact details for advocacy services in different parts of England.

We try our best to keep these accurate and up-to-date.
If you find anything wrong, please let us know.


No matter who they work for, advocates must always act only for children and young people, and never be swayed or influenced by the council.

If you cannot get hold of an advocate where you live, you could try contacting the charity NYAS or the Children’s Commissioner for England – see below.

NYAS Safety Net

This is a service for care experienced children and adults, run in partnership with the Department for Education (the part of government responsible for law and rules relating to children in care and care leavers).

The Safety Net can put you in touch with an advocate – either from the service arranged by your local authority, or through NYAS if your local service cannot help (for whatever reason).

  • Telephone number: 0808 808 1001 (you won’t be charged for this call)
  • If you are over 16, you can WhatsApp: 07494 788 875.
  • Text support service: 85258
  • Email: help@nyas.net

Find out more about this service here.

Help At Hand

You can contact Help At Hand at the Children’s Commissioner for England’s office by:

As a person with rights, you should always be respected and listened to.