Our charity
Article 39 fights for the rights of children and young people (under 18 years old) who live in children’s homes, hospitals and other health places, immigration detention, prisons, schools and secure children’s homes.
We take our name from Article 39 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This says that if you have been abused or mistreated in any way you have the right to recover in a place where your health, self-respect and dignity are built up.
Our Director, Carolyne Willow, set up Article 39 charity in 2015. She used to be a child protection social worker and then became a children’s rights officer for children and young people in care and leaving care. She has worked in children’s rights ever since – for over 25 years!
Article 39’s Trustees are responsible for the charity. They are called Alex Gask, Cathy Brown, Ella Dhillon, Nicola Wyld, Phillip Noyes and Suraya Skelland. Each of them has particular skills and knowledge around both the rights of children and young people who live away from home and running a great charity.
Pam Hibbert, Stela Stansfield and Tony Fort are Article 39 Associates. They consulted children and young people about this site – excellent!
We have lots of other people connected to our charity. They are all strong supporters of children’s rights.